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INTERVIEW: Meet Canadian Alternative Rock Band, Whatzername

Jay Hartwell

Whatzername are an all-female fronted rock band from Niagara Falls, ON, Canada. Their catalogue consist of singles Something (2019), Vulture (2020), and Heart of the Undead (2020). They're an amazing band; their sound can be described as punk, alternative, basically-anything-you'd-hear-on-a-rock-station-in-the-90s.

Read on to get to know Whatzername!

Who are the members of Whatzername?

Whatzername is Ashlee Standish (guitar, piano, lead vocals), Clarissa Rose (bass, backing vocals), Jess Gold (drums).

Where are you all from?

We're from Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.

What's the meaning behind your band name - is it a Green Day reference?

Clarissa: It is a Green Day reference, but I also see it as a reflection of the state of mind. We were all in when trying to come up with a name. When we settled on ‘Whatzername’, it just kind of fit because, yeah, what’s our name?

Ash: It’s very hard coming up with a band name. Coming up with one was about finding something that fit & united us. and we all shared a love of Green Day growing up. It’s also an amazing song about a cool chick with some mystery. Perfect description for us.

What's the story behind Heart of the Undead, your latest track?

Ash: The song was originally written on keys a while back, a dreamy melody with a twist of melancholy. It reminded me of the continuous search for the flicker of positivity in life’s ongoing struggles. It’s about hope and not giving up.

Are you influenced by the RIOT GRRRL movement?

Jess: I love the Riot Grrrl movement and think we have a lot of the same morals, but I believe we are our own category with punk rock influences but we are very much our own style.

Ash: I think it's pretty easy to identify with being a Canadian Riot Grrrl, as it's about being a feminist into punk rock music. On a deeper level, we are women with strong morals, who are passionate for women’s voices and rights. We also love punk rock.

What are your plans for 2021?

Ash: We are very much looking forward to releasing our EP early 2021, working on some new music & playing live again one sweet day.

What's your dream venue?

Clarissa: If we’re talking small, I think playing more shows in Toronto would be fun. If we’re talking big, I’d love to play a show overseas. That said, my dream right now is to just get out of the province. Maybe Montreal or something like that.

Ash: Just a fun, rad crowd would be great, venue doesn’t matter. But if I had to choose; Echo beach in Toronto. I would love to play New York City one day.

Lastly, I asked the Whatzername trio to make a playlist for us.

You can find it here on our Spotify.

Listen to Whatzername here on Spotify. Follow Whatzername on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.



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