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GIG REVIEW + PHOTOS: Circle Jerks on their last North American tour in Salt Lake City

Cherri Cheetah

Circle Jerks on their last North American tour in Salt Lake City on March 17th, 2022.

Mid-March I made my way over to The Complex in Salt Lake City to catch punk band Circle Jerks on the opening night of their tour - their first tour in 15 years and their last North American tour, celebrating the release of their trademark record, Group Sex. I wasn't sure what kind of crowd or show I was expecting, but was pleasantly surprised with both the crowd and the band.

Circle Jerks, a punk band who got their start in 1979, are best known for their raw, fasted-paced guitar sounds and edgy lyrics. It's 40 years from when they released their debut record, Wild In The Streets, and they're still going strong.

The crowd had an energy like no other show I've ever attended. The audience brought such a bright and passionate spirt that you couldn't help but feel flow through you too, like the music itself later did. Blue and red mohawks, pins and patches, combat boots and black eye makeup - it was like I was transported to the 80s. I felt out of place only for a few moments - I'm a 70s rock 'n roll girl, after all, not much of a punk, but hanging around watching the crowd chat and exchange smiles quickly removed any awkward energy I felt. Even in the bathroom, woman complimented my outfit, my eye makeup. The audience were from the ages of literal children to those assumedly the band's age, but it just felt like a massive meetup of old friends.

Circle Jerks' set was great and impressive. They had the same passion that I can only imagine they had in the 80s. I overall had a real pleasant time, and if you can get yourself to a show or pick up a vinyl, definitely do it.


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