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INTERVIEW: meet cleopatrick's biggest fan, Peat

Cherri Cheetah

You can catch Peat in cleopatrick's music video for "NO SWEAT."

Meet Peat - cleopatrick's biggest fan. You can spot him in cleopatrick's "NO SWEAT" music video, which just dropped yesterday down below.

A note from cleopatrick's Luke Gruntz on Peat: "excuse his grammar, i think he's really young (and possibly from outside our solar system)."

1) how did you find out about cleopatrick? what made you like them so much?

i foundthem on spotify & loved them bcuz their songs areso good for me and nrmis so cool andnice.

2) who are your other favorite bands?

cleopatrick andzigmentality and readythe prince.!

3) why do you love NRM? what does NRM mean to you?

it is awesome bcuz everone is so nice and themusic is so good. it makes me feellike i havefriends aroundthew world. itmake s me think i could makeart too and makemovies.

4) what are some of your favorite movies?

goonies and also ilove spidermn

5) do you have any hobbies?

i likemaking vidoeos and filmin. i wantto make movies aboutbands likecleopatrick. they letme come to thier showin toronto andi made some ofa movieabout it.

6) favorite cleopatrick merch?

i havea BUMMEr t-shirt imade.

7) how many times have you seen cleopatrick?


8) what's your favorite memory of cleopatrick?

bein at danfothmusic hall andthey letme makesome of a movie!.

9) what are your favorite cleopatrick songs?

fav is pepprs ghost and also onecalle d scaring me!,

10) explain your love for cleopatrick.

theyjust make meso happy becuz theguitars ar cool and i love drums nrm is so nicetome!!!., wheni grow up i willbe in art too likethem and n rm! yes

thanku forhaving m e!


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